Cherokee County Toyota

Why You Should Service Your Vehicle at the Dealer | Canton GA | Near Alpharetta and the greater Atlanta area

Do you have an established place to bring your vehicle for its regular service? If that answer is no, then if something goes wrong, you won't know who to trust with the care of your vehicle. And while you could bring your vehicle to the local mechanic down the street, there are many good reasons to bring your vehicle to the dealership.

At Cherokee County Toyota, our technicians are ready to take great care of your vehicle and return it to you as soon as we can. Check out the reasons you should have your vehicle serviced with us and not the other guys.

Expert Technicians

Who better to work on your vehicle than the people who sold it to you and work on the same type of cars every day? We're aware of exactly what your vehicle needs and won't have to wonder about what's wrong with it. Our technicians have been specially-trained to work on Toyota models, and therefore are the ideal people to be beneath your vehicle's hood.

OEM Parts

Genuine Toyota parts are a better match for your vehicle because they were made specifically for this brand. You know that the dealership will always have access to these parts and know how to install them correctly, so you won't experience problems later on.

Honor Your Warranty

Only a Toyota dealership can honor your Toyota warranty. So if your vehicle is still covered under warranty, it only makes sense to bring your vehicle to us for your services that fall under the scope of that warranty.

Proper Diagnostic Equipment

To know what's really going on with your car, you can trust that our top-of-the-line diagnostic equipment will be able to tell you better than someone else just guessing based on the sound it's making. We continually update our equipment to make sure it's the most up-to-date and includes the most recent technology.


While you're getting your vehicle worked on, you can enjoy the hospitality that we supply, including coffee and TV as well as a comfortable waiting room. You normally don't find that at independent shops. We want you to be able to relax if you have to wait on your vehicle, rather than having to make other arrangements to find a ride elsewhere.

Here at Cherokee County Toyota, we want to make sure our customers are always taken care of. If you'd like to learn more about how a dealership can make the difference with your vehicle's service or you'd like to schedule an appointment, contact us today or stop by our dealership at 301 Liberty Blvd., Canton, GA 30114. We look forward to serving our customers from Canton, GA, Alpharetta and throughout the greater Atlanta area.