Cherokee County Toyota

Fall Car Care Tips

Fall Car Care Tips

Fall Car Care Tips in Canton, GA

With cooler weather replacing summer thunderstorms and backyard cookouts, it becomes easier to do a quick tune-up for your vehicle. Fall is the perfect time of year to check your car, SUV or truck to prepare it for harsher conditions in the winter. We know it can be difficult to remember where to start, so we have four car care tips that will walk you through prevention steps that will keep your tires full and your lights working! Keep reading below!

Top 4 Fall Tips

1. Tire Tread and Pressure

Did you know that for every 10-degree Fahrenheit drop in pressure, your tires can lose up to one pound of pressure? That's not good news for how they will perform on slippery winter roads. To ensure you're filling your tires with the correct pressure, double check the measurement in your owner's manual. And if you haven't switched your summer tires with all-season tires yet, don't forget! All-season tires will come in handy soon. We love using the penny method to check the depth of tire grooves: place a penny in several areas of your tire, and if the majority of Lincoln's head appears, your treads are less than the recommended 2/32" of tread depth (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).

2. Battery

Cold weather also affects the life and health of your car's battery. Pop the hood to inspect your battery's connections?—they should be clean, tight and free of discolored corrosion. If you can't find the battery's manufacturer's date, you can get it tested at our dealership. We recommend replacing your battery every three years since batteries sometimes give out without warning.

3. Heating and Cooling

A third tip we have is checking the heating and cooling systems of your vehicle. While rolling down the windows may have worked during the summer, it won't help you much in fall or winter. Plus, your systems are in place for safety measures too, like defrosting icy windshields for your morning commutes. Ensure both systems are performing well and your vents are clean.

4. Lights

Working lights on your vehicle becomes more important with shorter days. Our final tip is to partner with a friend to check all your lights, including your brake lights. Replace broken or dead bulbs as soon as possible.

If you'd like to learn more or need repairs for your vehicle, contact us today or stop by our dealership at 301 Liberty Blvd, Canton, GA 30114. We look forward to serving our customers near Alpharetta and the Greater Atlanta area.