Cherokee County Toyota

Benefits of a Dealership Oil Change | Canton GA | Near Alpharetta and the greater Atlanta area

One of the services we offer a special on the most is an oil change. Why, you might ask? Because, it is one of the most important and relatively quick services that make a huge difference on the performance and longevity of your vehicle. If you want to save money or want to learn more about your vehicle, you might attempt to change your oil yourself. However, this could be a mistake for several reasons. Let us outline the benefits of bringing your vehicle into our dealership for an oil change.

You Don't Have to Clean Up

Once you remove the oil drain plug, there's no going back. Oil will go everywhere if you're not careful, so you have to wear gloves and avoid spills on clothing or the ground. Anyone who does laundry knows how difficult it can be to get any kind of oil stain out of clothing.

It Will Save You Time

In addition to the mess, if you don't know exactly what you're doing, this process could take a lot longer than it would for a trained professional to change it. You might spend more time reading directions online than actually changing your oil and filter.

It Will Save You Money

Changing your own oil takes up a lot of time, but it can be more expensive than you think. It requires you to buy the right materials as well as have the correct tools to get the job done. All of these little expenses can begin to add up, and before you know it, an attempt to save money has turned into a bigger ordeal than you intended.

Although we're not attempting to tell you how to live your life, a person with a lack of automotive knowledge will definitely be better off bringing their vehicle to us to have their oil changed rather than trying to do it themselves. All of us at Cherokee County Toyota just want to make your lives a little easier, and letting us handle the oil changes your vehicle needs hopefully does that.

If you'd like to find out more about the benefits of having your oil changed at a dealership in Canton, GA, drop by Cherokee County Toyota at 301 Liberty Blvd., Canton, GA 30114 for a test-drive. We look forward to serving our customers from Canton, GA, Alpharetta and throughout the greater Atlanta area.